Command Level Basic Certificate

In June of 2024, the POST Commission created a Command Level Basic Certificate program to provide a certification process for a peace officer whose basic certificate has expired but has been elected or appointed to an executive level position. Each agency can have two active command level basic certificates at one time. This basic expires immediately upon the separation of the peace officer from an executive level position unless, within 90 days after separation, the peace officer is newly elected or appointed to an executive level position.

An online course has been created which will allow the peace officer to complete the course without being absent from their position in the agency.


In order to be eligible for the Command Level Basic Certificate, you must:


  1. Have been elected or appointed to an executive level position.  (See the revised definition of “executive level position”)
  2. Meet the minimum standards of appointment established in NAC 289.110.
  3. Have 5 consecutive years of experience as a peace officer employed by a Nevada agency.
  4. Prior certification of the peace officer has not been revoked or suspended.
  5. The peace officer completes the online, 80-hour training course (SEE ENROLLMENT BELOW)
  6. Once the online course has been completed, pass the Category I state certification exam.
  7. Pass a physical fitness examination approved by the employing agency of the peace officer.


In order to maintain this command level basic certificate, a peace officer must comply with the provisions of chapter 289 of the NAC and NRS, to include, but not be limited to NAC 289.230.


  • To enroll in the command level basic certificate program, fill out the enrollment form 
  • Email this form to Kelly Engels at  You will be enrolled in the program and will be notified via email.  You will have 90 days to complete the course, or you will be required to start over. 
  • Print the certificate of completion when you have finished the course.  (This will need to be provided when applying for the certificate.)
  • Submit the Request for State Certification Exam (see FORMs tab)
  • Complete PPRT approved by employing agency.
  • Upon passing the State Certification Exam, apply for the command level basic certificate using the Basic Application form.  (All attachments are required)