Nevada Recertification Program

(Satisfies NAC 289.200.8)

Nevada POST has implemented a Recertification Course for Nevada peace officers whose basic certificate is on inactive status for at least 5 consecutive years but not more than 10 years.

Upon meeting all eligibility requirements, an officer can take the online Recertification Course, Physical Readiness Test approved by the employing agency and State Certification exam for the category of their inactive certificate. Upon completion of the Recertification Course process, the Executive Director may return the basic certificate of the peace officer to active status upon the request of the employing agency.



• Must be employed by a Nevada law enforcement agency.
• You must be a Nevada peace officer whose basic certificate has been on inactive status for more than 5 consecutive years but less than 10 consecutive years.


• You must meet the minimum standards of appointment established pursuant to NAC 289.110.
• This course is only for officers that have not been revoked or suspended, in Nevada or any other state, for any cause set forth in subsection 1 of NAC 289.290.


 In order to enroll in this course, fill out the Recertification Course Enrollment packet found under the FORMS tab. Email this completed enrollment form and supporting documents to

*Supporting documents: completed Training Checklist and PPRT Scorecard/PPRT Acknowledgement.

Missing forms will result in rejection of the Enrollment Packet

Verification of eligibility will be confirmed by POST before enrollment. Once enrolled, you have 90 days to complete the online course. If you have not completed the course in 90 days, the course will be locked and you will be required to enroll again and start over.