Online PPRT Administrator and Proctor Courses
Just a reminder, the POST PPRT is a validated physical readiness test. It is not designed to measure fitness level, but rather the physical ability to complete those critical tasks that may occur within each category of peace officer. Obviously, the title can be confusing, but this is an important distinction.
To reduce confusion, we will be using the term PPRT (POST Physical Readiness Test) going forward.
Only those administering the test for official record certification purposes are required to be PPRT Administrator certified.
Those who are conducting PPRT’s for hiring/recruiting purposes, or in a capacity other than the officer’s record certification PPRT, are not required to be PPRT Administrator certified.
PPRT Proctor Course
POST has prepared an informational online PPRT course specifically for attendees that only con-duct non-record PPRT’s. Those who attend this course will receive a Certificate of Completion. But will NOT receive a PPRT Administrator’s certification number. This course is located on our NV POST Training Portal. You can access the training portal at the POST website, the tab is located on the top tool bar.
PPRT Administrators Course
POST has updated the process to become a PPRT Administrator.
Those needing to be PPRT Administrator certified, for the purposes of conducting PPRT’s for record, will take the PPRT Administrator Course on the NV POST Training Portal, located on the POST website.
Once the course has been completed, the student will complete the course evaluation and the online exam.
Upon successful completion of the online exam, the student will be directed to email a specific individual at POST. POST will verify course completion and will issue the PPRT Administrator’s Certificate of Completion with a unique PPRT Administrator number.
To enroll in this course, students will need to work with their supervisor, manager or administrator of their agency and fill out the PPRT Administrator Course Nomination sheet available on the forms page of our website and submit the completed form to Training Division Chief Mike Hayhurst at