POST Physical Readiness Standards
Nevada Peace Officers are called upon to perform important, often critical, job functions where their physiological capabilities and readiness directly relate to their effectiveness, their safety, and the safety of co-workers and citizens. The POST Physical Readiness Standards are in place to ensure that the State of Nevada provides for the development and maintenance of a fit and capable work force in order to achieve the primary objective of providing reasonable assurance of safe and effective job performance.
For certification, all Nevada peace officers must pass the state physical readiness examination for the appropriate category of peace officer as described in NAC 289.205 during the officer's basic training course. This document describes these required tests.
In an effort to assist in preparation for the POST Physical Readiness Test, the following document is provided for your convenience. This document outlines three physical fitness programs that are intended to help in assessing your current physical condition and assist in improving your fitness levels.