Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General Frequently Asked Questions

How can I become a peace officer in Nevada?

  • Meet the minimum standards of appointment listed under NAC 289.110.
  • Employed as a peace officer with a Nevada Law Enforcement Agency
  • Graduation from a law enforcement academy which will include passing a physical fitness test and state certification exam.
  • A basic certificate will be issued after successful graduation from an academy.

How do I enroll in the POST academy in Carson City?

Your agency point of contact will guide you through the process of enrolling in the academy.

Do I have to have a background check to be a peace officer in Nevada?  (See NAC 289.110 for details)

Yes, no person may be appointed to perform the duties of a peace officer unless he/she has undergone a complete and documented investigation of his/her background.  A full background must be conducted for lateral hires moving between agencies.

I  have been hired with an agency in Nevada.  They are going to make me pass the Physical Fitness Test.  Can they do that?

Yes, an agency can create hiring standards above the POST minimum standards of appointment.

When does my Basic Certificate expire?  (See NAC 289.200(8))

5 years (60 months) from the date you left your last agency. 

There is no extension or challenge process.  Once your basic certificate expires, you will be required to start the certification process, including an academy, over again if you choose to get back in to law enforcement in Nevada.

What are my annual training requirements?  (See NAC 289.230 for details)

In order to maintain their basic certificate, the following items must be completed annually:

1.      12 hrs. of continuing education courses that address:

          a. Racial profiling

          b. Mental health, including, without limitation, crisis intervention

          c. The well-being of officers

          d. Implicit bias recognition

          e. De-escalation

          f.  Human trafficking

          g. Firearms

2.     If authorized to use a firearm, at least biannually demonstrate a minimum level of proficiency in the use of EACH type of firearm he/she is authorized to use.

3.     If officer is authorized to use an impact weapon, chemical weapon, electronic incapacitating device or other less lethal weapon, at least annually demonstrate a minimum level of proficiency in use.

4.     If duties require him/her to use arrest and control tactics, demonstrate annually a minimum level of proficiency in the use of arrest and control tactics including, without limitation, techniques related to applying handcuffs, taking down suspects, self-defense and retention of weapons.

5.     Review Use of Force policy for your agency

I attended an academy as a civilian, how long is my certificate of completion good for?

Your certificate of completion from your academy is valid for 2 years. 

I am a peace officer in another state. How can I become certified in Nevada?


I think I am eligible for a Professional Development certificate.  How can I verify this and how do I apply?

The link to the Professional Certificate Requirement breakdown is:

Your agency point of contact is the only person that can apply for your professional certificate.  If you do not know who that person is, you can inquire by calling the Standards Division.

Certified professional development courses (P# courses) are used to meet the POST training hours requirements, with very few exceptions.  Reach out to the Standards Division if you have questions on course eligibility.

What if I have additional questions?

NAC 289/NRS 289 should answer any questions you have. If you did not find the answer to your question and you need further assistance, please click the CONTACT US menu item and email us your detailed question and we will send a reply email back to you as soon as possible.

I need a copy of my basic certificate; how can I get that?

Please use the Request for Duplicate form found under the Forms tab. 

Where do I find POST professional development courses available to me in Northern Nevada? 

The Training Calendar ( will provide a current list of POST certified training.

The Training Opportunity ( page provides training being provided in Nevada, but these courses may not be POST certified, therefore not eligible for professional development credit.

To enroll in professional development courses offered by POST you can go to the “FORMS” tab on our website. Scroll down to “Professional Development Forms” and click on the link entitled “Professional Development Course Registration Form.”  This form contains an up-to-date list of all scheduled courses currently being offered by POST 

For questions regarding courses and enrollment, contact the Training Division at (775) 687-3310


How can I become a bail enforcement agent?  

How can I become a private investigator? 

Agency Frequently Asked Questions

Is a PPRT required when hiring a Nevada certified officer from another agency?

POST does not require a PPRT when hiring a lateral officer from a Nevada agency. POST minimum standards of appointment are listed under NAC289.110. 

**Any agency can, as part of their hiring standards, require a PPRT. 

Do I have to conduct a full background check on a new hire with no break in service?

Yes, as noted under NAC289.110, no person may be appointed to perform the duties of a peace officer unless he/she has undergone a complete and documented investigation of his/her background.

I am hiring an officer that has had a break in service of more than 4 months, less than 60.  What do I need to do to bring this officer into compliance?

If an officer has been out more than 4 months i.e. admin leave, medical leave, military leave, or there is a break in service of more than 4 months but less than 60 months, training pursuant to NAC289.230(7) must be completed before the officer resumes his/her duties.  This training should be reported to POST when completed and can be used as credit toward that current year’s compliance training.

I am hiring an officer from another state.  How do I verify they are eligible for Reciprocity?


On this page is a list of Reciprocity States/Training.  You can verify your candidate’s eligibility using this list.  If the state they were certified in, or the Federal Training they completed is not on this list, contact POST.  Your applicant must meet the requirements of NAC 289.200(2).

We encourage agencies to reach out to the Standards Division to verify eligibility before hiring.

How do I certify a course with POST?

See Certification for Courses in Nevada on the home page under Popular Links